When I asked the kids what they wanted to do for Spring Break this year, they both told me "Go to St. David!!" They love to go to St. David and visit their cousins. They have so much fun and are on the go so much they don't have time to get bored! It didn't work out this time for them to stay...
Darla and Thor-

We went to St. David on Monday for Jayden's dentist appt. She didn't get anything new done this time other then some new color rubberbands. She has lost some teeth on the bottom and we are just waiting for 1 little straggler tooth to grow in so she can get her bottom braces started. Uncle Brett says it will be this summer sometime before she's ready for the bottoms. *Useless but kind of cool random fact*- Jayden has 2 teeth on the bottom that she won't ever lose. They are adult teeth. And she has had them since she very first got teeth. It runs on my side of the family. My mom has it too. Kinda cool!!
After Jay's appt we ran out to St. David and had pizza for lunch with Aunt Kathy, Taylor, and Leea. I am so thankful that Leea, Jayden, Taylor and Blake all get along so well. They are very close!
We brought our puppy, Thor, (yes, she's a girl with a boy name) to see her sister Darla. My Aunt Jan lives in St. David near my grandparents and she bought one of my puppies. We haden't seen Darla since she was 8 weeks old so we were very excited to see her! The puppies remembered each other and played like crazy. We took a ton of pictures, but 2 wiggly pups don't make for very good pictures!
While the puppies played, I got to visit with my grandparents. My dad also showed up, so I got to visit with him too. Seeing family always makes me happy! It wasn't a bad start to Spring Break!
The kids left to go to the dunes with Uncle Brett, J.J, Taylor, and Leea on Wed. They stayed out at the dunes until Sunday. They never take any pictures out there for some reason. Jayden usually has her camera with her all the time... but never comes home with pictures. I'm going to have to work on her! Maybe next year I can get her to take some pictures for me!
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