Ok, he isn't really a jailbird. But he could have been... (shhhh don't tell him I'm posting this HAHAHA)
Feb 6th - Blake had spent the day at his friend Shane's house and asked if he could spend the night there. I said "yes" and went on with my day. Jayden was at a friends house too and I was looking forward to some alone time. I stayed up late watching movies and finally went to bed at about 1am. My phone rang at 3 am, with Blake's number. I was wondering what the silly boy wanted at 3am, so when I answered and it wasn't Blake's voice on the phone, I was a little concerned. I heard when I answered "Is this Blake's mom" I said, yes, it is. Who is this? He tells me "This is Maricopa County Sheriff Dept, (we live in Pinal County) I have Blake" A million thoughts rushed thru my head.. The cop goes on to explain that Blake and Shane were skateboarding in a empty grocery store parking lot. They weren't causing trouble, but they were violating curfew. He also tells me that they were 8 miles(!!!) from Shane's house. Ok, that explains why it's Maricopa County Sheriff calling and not Pinal County. They were far enough away from Shane's house to cross county lines. The Sheriff drove the boys back to Shane's house, gave them a stern warning and talked to Shane's parents.
Blake told me the next day when I picked him up that the Sheriff had ran his record and that his Amber Alert from when he was 8 years old came up on his record! I wouldn't have thought that would be on his record. Pretty crazy!
Blake was my slave for the next week. He had a TON of chores to do for me. He got lucky that the cop was nice.. the punishment for curfew violation is a $250.00 fine and 40 hours community service.
I'm pretty sure that Blake learned his lesson and won't be doing that ever again. :)
Yeah a post! Boo--Blake was naughty!! How did they get 8 miles away? That woulda scared the poo outta me, hopefully him too. :)
Becca... they skateboarded the whole way! haha.. he did learn his lesson.. he was pretty scared
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