Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Im ready!

I am so ready to kick 2008 out the door and start a new year! 2008 was a rough year and Im hoping that 2009 will be better.
- We've had vet visits with Izzie (French Bulldog) to figure out why she is itching so bad. She has allergies to pretty much everything. She scratches herself until she has no hair and sores everywhere. She looks pretty bad. Izzie turned 1 in September.
- Dallas (English Bulldog) turned 3 in November. It seems like just yesterday we were picking her up as a 8 week old puppy from the airport. Dallas is a pretty girl, she's still mean and doesn't like anybody, but we love her anyway. Dallas is a HUGE daddy's girl. She loves to lay with her dad.
- Tater (English Bulldog) turned 2 in May. He is a big silly guy. He looks like a body builder muscle guy. Tater Tot loves everyone!
- Mox (Boston Terrier) turned 2 in June. He is quite a character that enjoys stealing toys and starting fights with Tater.
- KayCee (Boston Terrier) is my little princess. She turned 2 in November. KayCee loves her mom and wants all my attention on her. She doesn't like to share me with the other dogs.

- We made a big change in September and switched to RAW food. All the dogs except Tater eat RAW. We feed raw chicken, goat, fish, lamb, beef, pork, turkey, rabbit. We switched to RAW hoping that it would help Izzie's allergies. It has helped some but she is still itchy. The dogs coats have improved so much, they are all beautiful! Dallas is a deep shiny red. They don't shed hardly at all. And their poops are small, and don't stink. We are loving the RAW diet so far.
- We moved in May. What a pain in the butt! We moved from Mesa, to Queen Creek. We LOVE Queen Creek so far. It's a farther drive for Dana to get to work, but it is so much quieter in Queen Creek. We moved into a 4 bedroom, 3 full bath house. It's a nice size house, not to big or to small.
- Blake started Jr High at J.O. Combs Middle School. He has made alot of new friends, and still stays in touch with his Mesa friends. His first day of school he found out that his electives were going to be Drama and Guitar. He was not excited about either one. He ended up enjoying Drama quite a bit. He did good in guitar class, but didn't enjoy the teacher. Blake is also getting into skateboarding. He is really good and Queen Creek has a skate park that he can go to and skate.
- Jayden started school at Ranch Elementary School. It is a brand new school, they barely finished building it in time for school to start. Jayden has made quite a few new friends too. Michelle is her best bud. Michelle has horses and Jayden enjoys going to her house. Jayden also stays in touch with her Mesa friends. Jayden chose to take band again and still plays her flute. She is very good and getting even better at playing it.
- Dana is still working construction, building freeways. Right now he is working on the 101 freeway in Scottsdale putting in HOV lanes. Dana also still hauls cows with Ty when he can. Dana and Ty have made quite a few runs to Northern California hauling calves. I know Dana enjoys it when he goes with Ty. Dana will be going back to California to work. He will be near Yuma building a canal in the middle of the sand dunes. That should be a fun job for him.

- Im still busy. With 2 kids, 5 dogs, 1 Amazon parrot, 3 tortoises, 2 parakeets, and 2 cockatiels, I have plenty to do and am never bored.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jayden and Gramma's

Jayden got to spend some time at her Gramma Debs house. She went home with Gramma on Saturday Dec 20th. Jayden, Cody, and Gramma went to Graham Mountain to collect some wood to make a bird perch for my birds. It was cold on the mountain but they got some good wood.

On Sunday evening Jayden got to go to Auntie Krikets house and play with her cousins. The first night there.. Jayden, Tyler and Destiny decided to go to the little corner store for soda and candy.. it was 2 in the morning! They had their PJ's and shoes on, and left the house while Kriket was sleeping. They came back home after they walked to the store and found it closed. Silly kid
While at her Aunties house, Jayden and cousins got a visit from Santa! Jayden and Tyler ran and hid, but Kriket managed to convince them to sit on Santa's lap. She even got a few pictures.

All the kids played outside from the time they woke up until it was dark. They got to go play in the snow for a little while, and they all enjoyed that. I'm so thankful that they all get along and play so well together. This was the first time that they have really been able to play.

Jayden came home on Christmas Eve. We drove to Miami and met Gramma Debs and exchanged some presents. Jayden missed her cousins and her cousins were very upset that Jayden had to go home. They are already making plans for this summer.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to post real fast and tell everyone - MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I hope everyone enjoyed their day, and spent it the way they wanted too. I also hope that you got what you wanted or needed the most!

We spent the day at home. Just relaxing with the kids and dogs. It was nice to stay in PJ's all day and just relax. We did lots of coloring in Jayden's new coloring books. Blake was sad, he got a new skateboard and grind rail and couldn't use it because it rained all day.

Anyway... Merry Christmas to my friends and family.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Some new pictures

We snapped some family pictures.. finally!

Me and the kids being silly.