Happy Valentines Day! ... a little late.
Blake and Jayden left on Friday to head to the dunes with Uncle Brett, Taylor, Leea, Lola and Lola's boyfriend, Todd. They were so excited to go and were all packed and ready to go.
Dana left on Friday with Luke, one of Ty's friends, to haul a load of Jersey calves to San Angelo, Texas. They left at about 7pm Friday evening and they got back into town at 1am Sunday morning with some older Jerseys cows. It was a fast trip and they made good time. Luke was very happy that Dana was able to go with him. This was a new thing for Dana, he usually hauls Holsteins with Ty. Jerseys and Holsteins have totally different personalties. The Holsteins are more laid back, go where you want them to go and they don't try and get away. The Jerseys are laid back and calm too, but they will look for anyway to get out and run off. I laugh to myself, thinking about Dana trying to herd these cows, only because, if you know Dana.. cows are not something that he knows much about, or even likes. But he does his job and gets those cows where they need to go. I am impressed with how much he has learned about cows, and the cow hauling business in the last year or so.
I spent the weekend home alone. It was really nice to spend some time to myself and just do nothing! I stayed in my Pj's all day long. I didn't clean house, or cook meals. It was great!
Dana took me out on a date on Sunday night for a late Valentines dinner. We went to the Texas Roadhouse. It is a great place for steaks! I love steaks! We had a great time and it was nice to spend some alone time.
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