September 11th, 2001 was a sad, sad day. I remember where I was when I heard the news. Dana was working nights on the 60 freeway in Mesa. I had to wake up early to pick him up from work. I was driving down Greenfield road, listening to the radio and they were talking about a small plane hitting the World Trade Center. At that time, it had just happened and there wasen't very much information available. I got to the yard where I pick Dana up and all the guys were standing around a bosses truck listening to the radio. While we were standing there, reports came in that another plane hit the towers. At this point, everyone around us is saying that "this canNOT be an accident!" News reports came in saying that they weren't little planes, they were big passenger planes. We were all thinking "what is going on??"
We drove home listening to the radio the whole time. As soon as we got home we turned on CNN, the first images we saw were the burning towers, people running, and smoke and fire all over. There were so many news reports and stories coming in. Before we knew it, the towers were falling to the ground!! And news came about a plane hitting the Pentagon.
The kids were school age. Blake was in Kindergarten and Jayden was in Preschool. I didn't want to send them to school. The country was on lockdown, scared, and afraid of what was coming next. I ended up taking the kids to school. Word came about the hi-jacked plane that went down in the field in Pennsylvania. I sat glued to the Tv, watching CNN all day. I cried and cried thinking of the poor people trapped inside the towers, in the Pentagon, on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. I cried for the families of all these people. I cried for the workers, police, and fire department that died.
Today I will be thinking of the 2,974 people that died in the attacks, and their families. *We Will NEVER Forget*